Order my book, Wait Is This Racist?

My Story

Hey there!

I'm Bry, a Michigan-native, who just recently moved back to
Michigan to be close to family and open my first spiritual store and
wellness center! For 14+ years, I lived and travelled all over the
country and world, working in various corporate strategic
marketing roles with extensive experience in collaborating,
facilitating, and managing cross-functional projects and teams. I
hold a bachelor's degree from Michigan State University in
Marketing, as well as a Master’s Certificate from the University of
North Carolina Charlotte in Anti-racism in Urban Education. But, if I’m
being honest, none of that comes close to the importance of
the work I’m doing now.
I have a lifetime of experience as a bi-racial Black
girl→youth→woman and over five years experience in intentional
deconstructing and healing. I am here to honor my ancestors in
the service of speaking truth to power. I am here to guide white
women on a journey of self-reflection and digging deep into
uncovering their own racial identities and how that impacts the
way they show up in the world. I am here to empower women of
African descent to rediscover their Divine BirthRight and to
reconnect with the ancient wisdom of their ancestors. I am here to
help forward-thinking organizations create brave spaces to have
tough conversations about race and inclusivity without causing
harm or overwhelm.

My work in racial justice is inextricably linked with my spirituality,
and I’m passionate about bringing others along this lifetime
journey of collective growth and love. I believe in the
transformative power of knowledge, coupled with reflection. In a
nutshell, I ignite the power within others to make authentic change
that leads to racial healing and liberation. What’s my secret sauce?
Helping others overcome their fears and be BRAVE.

Bry's Unique Approach

Human Psychology

We are all connected whether we
recognize it or not. We often
learn new concepts or
frameworks as if we are on the
outside looking-in. But, the truth
is, every thought leads to an
action or inaction. And, that
action or inaction creates a ripple
throughout the world, impacting
the collective experience.

We live in a culture that yearns for
consumption and productivity. Rather
than simply sharing information for
others to consume, I teach critical
thinking. I teach skills that are
required for the learner to deeply
understand themselves and their
connection to others. I equip learners
with the tools they need to continue
developing on their own, over time.

Rather than walking away with
another workshop under their belt,
or another assessment to put in the
books, or another strategy written
on paper that rarely gets revisited, I
am literally helping clients re-code
their perspective deep within their
core, so that they can contribute to
collective freedom with confidence,
authenticity, and BRAVERY.

See how I can support you along
your race equity journey.


Work With Me

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